Lifestyle Coaching and Talk Therapy

Achieve Your Goals Through Lifestyle Coaching.

Maybe you think you know how to live a healthy lifestyle and don’t need any help in this department. Quite often, however, it’s the little things that we do each day without thinking that cheat ourselves. It’s these habits we have that we don’t realize have an effect on our health that rob us of our success.

As your doctor, consultant, massage therapist, and friend, I will coach you to identify and work with all aspects of your health, including your emotions. Impulse control is a real barrier to health for some people, and I will help you manage your ups and downs with every tool in my practice.

You will be comforted knowing that my office is a safe space to experience any kind of emotional release. But besides that, I will help you define and achieve your health goals. Smart health goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound changes that can develop into healthy habits over time.

As your health consultant, part of my job is to guide you in setting “S.M.A.R.T.” goals like these. Usually, we can best accomplish this by talking about what you want to accomplish and what gets in the way of that.

What Is Talk Therapy?

Talking to another person about your thoughts and emotions can help bring clarity and cause a positive change to your emotional state of being. Sometimes the body holds onto stress in ways of which we may not be aware, other times, we may be acutely aware of how our body holds onto stress.

A conversation with someone you can trust may provide unique opportunities to discuss your particular thoughts or challenges. Working together, we can find insights and solutions to all of your health complaints.

If you happen to experience a range of different mental or emotional challenges, you may undoubtedly benefit from talk therapy. In addition, the American Psychological Association asserts that people who receive talk therapy can function better in their daily lives.

Approaches to Talk Therapy

Psychoanalysis focuses on your problems, thoughts, emotions, and behaviors and seeks to uncover the meanings of your actions. The overall goal of psychoanalysis is to change your mind to form new habits.

Unresolved complexes in the psyche appear to stimulate neurotic behaviors. Psychoanalysis seeks to gradually reveal these unresolved complexes to you, but the basic concept of investigating one’s impulses and desires to bring about positive change remains the same.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy focuses on behavioral actions, and when combined with cognitive therapy, it also focuses on the cognition. Combining these two forms of therapy is a popular approach for helping many people. CBT relies on the idea that your thoughts influence your feelings, which in turn influences your behavior.

By working together to change your thoughts, we can modify your behavior ultimately. CBT techniques may employ both talk therapy as well as behavioral components, such as exposure therapy.

Hypnosis and Neurolinguistic Programming focuses on imitating deep level therapeutic techniques. I am certified in both of these methods and am happy to talk to you about how they can help you achieve your goals.

The Purpose of Talk Therapy Is to Gain Clarity.

Talking about your thoughts and emotions helps you find clarity. You may discover why you have specific emotional triggers or hold on to certain negative feelings when you talk about them with someone you trust.

Regardless of your overall happiness level, you may be holding on to certain feelings that create an emotional struggle. Talk therapy is a great way to let it out and receive insights that help bring a greater sense of mental clarity to improve your well-being.

Talk Therapy Helps Address Mental Health Problems

Anxiety and Depression both cause significant emotional upheaval. Figuring out how to handle these emotions might be daunting for you. By discussing the feelings that come up when you are anxious or depressed, your practitioner can look out for signs of worsening symptoms or see that your treatment is helping.

If you have anxiety or depression, talk therapy shows the most promising and effective results when combined with herbal and electro-acupuncture therapy. Let me help you deal with troubling emotional conditions so you can find balance and be yourself again.

Battling Addiction can feel like a hopeless situation, but it is truly an opportunity to claim victory over an incredibly challenging situation. If you feel overcome by an addiction, you will benefit greatly from talk therapy and frequent acupuncture sessions. Let the fact that law enforcement groups have offered significant funding for acupuncture in drug treatment settings speak for itself.

Whether you are working individually with a counselor or in a group setting while learning how to handle the struggles that accompany addiction, therapy provides you with both a sense of accountability and support. Daily acupuncture sessions coupled with regular therapy have shown the best results for those suffering from addiction.

Bipolar Disorder can cause someone to experience a wide range of emotions, often going up and down severely. Talk therapy helps you understand these roller-coaster emotions. You will function better despite daily troubling emotions or thoughts. Talk therapy also helps you stay motivated and adhere to your herbal, acupuncture, or medication therapy.


Talk therapy offers you way more than support for mental health, however. You may need someone you to lean on in hard times. In addition to friends and family, seeing a therapist provides a valuable addition to your support team. If I feel that you need additional help beyond what I can offer, I can aid you in your search for more effective, reliable care.

In the meantime, however, talk therapy is also something I offer in addition to acupuncture and herbal medicine. During our sessions together, you can speak openly about your struggles without any fear of judgment.

As part of your health care team, I can provide valuable insight and suggestions on how you can feel better or get through a hard time. More than an ear to listen to your problems, I offer advice and support to help you through them.


Sometimes, for whatever reason, you might not have access to the care you need. It’s times like these when you need to know how to self-soothe already. You will receive instruction as part of your treatment in self-care techniques to aid you when you are on your own.

You can learn from me how to perform the Emotional Freedom Technique. This technique incorporates affirmation into a somatic exercise of tapping along the meridians with your fingertips. The idea is to stimulate your meridian channels while engaged in neuro-linguistic programming to help you better control your own emotional state.

With a little bit of practice, you can do this anytime you want or whenever you need to deal with something stressful.

Let’s Talk!

Choosing to participate in talk therapy means you want relief from the negative thoughts and hard times in life.

Talk therapy helps you feel your best and learn appropriate coping methods to make things easier as you get through life’s ups and downs.

Everyone benefits from talk therapy, and so can you.

Contact me today! (310) 902-7222